
Monday, December 1, 2014

Filtered View Performance

As is well known it is best practice to use Filtered Views when performing queries on the CRM database most notably for report writing. This is because doing so adheres to the SDK standard and also yields many benefits such as:

  • Security model adherence - reports written this way will automatically adhere to the CRM security model without having to do anything further.
  • Exposing "name" attributes for Options Sets (including "Two Options") - these are denormalized in the filtered view so writing additional joins to retrieve the friendly names is unnecessary
  • Embedding and Context Awareness - reports can be easily embedded into the CRM forms and run based on the current context without further input
  • Advanced Find pre-filter - This filter mechanism becomes available eliminating the need to hard-code parameters in the report definition
  • Formatting - Date, number, and currency formats defined in CRM can easily be applied to CRM reports for a consistent experience
  • Built in parameters - Various other built in parameters that the CRM platform can leverage to simplify the report writing experience, avoid unnecessary hard-coding, and ensure consistency and cohesiveness between the CRM application and custom reporting (e.g. CRM_URL)

There is one downside - there can be a performance degradation when running queries against Filtered Views (vs. say the regular entity views). Of course this can be very significant as if your report takes a long time to run it more than negates all the benefits cited above.

However, the query performance of Filtered Views needs some additional analysis. From what I've read, most attribute this degradation to the fact that the Filtered Views (unlike other views) perform additional security checks against the CRM security model. And while this is indeed the case, my experience has indicated that this particular aspect does not really impact adversely. In fact, this additional check is fairly trivial (it might be that in cases where there is a heavily nested security hierarchy that this impacts more - so not to be completely disregarded).

So what causes the performance degradation? The following analysis of queries against various entities (customized - not OOTB) is very telling:

The crux of the analysis are columns 2 and 3. For example, "account" has 118 Option Sets and 169 Two Options for a total of 287 Options. As you can see, a simple query against the FilteredAccount vs. account entity yields a difference of 20 seconds! That drops dramatically for "event" where there are only 191 Options - dramatically but still not sufficient as the query difference remains at 6 seconds. The difference drops as the number of Total Options decreases such that when there are around 100 Options the difference becomes fairly trivial.

So in short, it is the number of Options on the entity that are the major cause of query degradation and that can be attributed to the additional joins required to obtain the friendly name (as described above). Consider that in the case of account the Filtered View is performing a little over 287 additional joins as opposed to the regular entity view ("a little over" as there are a few other joins required for the security model interrogation). And also the analysis shows that the degradation is exponential rather than linear after the "degradation threshold" is hit.

So what are the takeaways?

First of all it's important to mention that this performance analysis was run using SQL 2010. The experience might be otherwise on later versions. But according to the literature the number of query joins in this version of SQL is only limited by system resources (as opposed to previous versions where there was a hard upper limit). So one way of minimizing this issue is to add some horse power to the SQL Server. 

Secondly, it is noteworthy that the row count has no noticeable impact on query difference (for example, see row count of "account" vs. "invoice"). And similarly the difference is not caused by indexing issues. The basic Filtered View query leverages existing system generated indexes.

Third, the number of Option Sets shown in the analysis has to be slightly unusual. In most cases, I would imagine that there would be far fewer of these and therefore using the Filtered View for your queries will simply not have any noticeable impact on performance (although it's easy to run a quick comparison query to determine if this statement is correct or not).

Fourth (and perhaps most importantly), make sure to purge unnecessary or legacy attributes. The likelihood in cases where there is such a high number of options is that many of them have fallen into disuse over time. Opening the entity form and viewing how many of them no longer even appear on the form will probably shed some light here. This is not only good practice from a query performance point of view, but also helps to keep the data neat and clean which in turn contributes to a simplified and confusion-free user experience.

Finally, information is power and understanding what is underlying a Filtered View can be factored into design decisions well in advance. In fact, it is very likely that the reasons for going with a whole bunch of custom Option Sets vs. product-line-item kind of design have fundamentally changed with recent overhauls of the CRM user interface. In previous versions, the number of clicks to add line items was often prohibitive - an experience which has been significantly optimized especially in CRM 2013 (and probably more so with the very imminent CRM 2015 release).

Friday, November 21, 2014

Contact Address 2 Outlook Sync

While researching the previous issue regarding Outlook Contact address sync issues I came across something interesting. That is, a pleasant, unexpected surprise...

Until now, the fields that sync between the CRM and their Outlook counterparts have been locked down. Well... that is still the case and looks like it will be the case for the foreseeable future.

However one of the common issues encountered with the above limitation is that only the primary contact address syncs to the CRM contact record (i.e. address1 to the Outlook business/mailing address). So if you wanted to sync the home address (typically address2) you were fresh out of luck... or you had to think of creative ways of maintaining such information to the description field so that it would appear there (something which I've configured for a client or two).

With CRM 2015, it appears Microsoft have finally seen the light and it appears that Address 2 fields will now sync to the Outlook home address. Of course, knowing this you may also want to consider any impact for existing organizations when they perform the 2015 upgrade.

Below is the link showing the CRM/Outlook sync mapping for CRM 2015. I have only given it the briefest of reviews so perhaps there may be other surprise within. If so, do let me know.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Contact/Outlook Address Sync Issues

There appears to be an issue with syncing the contact address with Outlook under certain circumstances. Specifically this circumstance appears to occur when line 1 and line 3 of the contact address are filled out but line 2 is left blank. In such a situation the following occurs when syncing the contact:

  1. The contact syncs correctly to the corresponding Outlook contact record
  2. Outlook then immediately syncs back to the CRM contact, moving line 3 back to line 2
The following screenshots illustrates this phenomenom visually:

To re-emphasize - this boomerang update effect happens immediately i.e. in the single sync transaction that is initiated from the CRM Outlook contact. The result can be quite perplexing and unsettling as it results in the following set of circumstances:

  1. You notice that an update made on the contact record is continuously reverting 
  2. The audit tells you an end user made the reversal (and it could be any end user - really depends on who performed the syncing action first)
  3. The audit tells you that the reversal happened within mere seconds of the update

The result is a manhunt to find the offending plugin, workflow, third party Outlook add-on that someone is using that might be behind this issue. And of course based on the analysis above all that is a red herring...

I think the reason why this occurs is because Outlook just arranges the address into separate lines rather than separate fields so that when line 2 is missing line 1 and line 3 follow one another making Outlook interpret line 3 as line 2.

I have not seen any literature about this issue although circumstantial evidence points to the fact that this issue has been around for quite some time (i.e. I seem to recall perplexing unexpected Outlook updates fitting the above description that until now I have not been able to put my finger on).

Anyway, I am able to reproduce this issue at will so it's definitely some kind of product defect. 
This issue has been reported to Microsoft and at the moment I don't have a solution to this issue although at a minimum it is comforting to at least know what this issue so it can be avoided and sanity be preserved. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

CRM_URL Manipulation

There is a well known technique for opening an entity form from an SRS report. For example, you can create a hyperlink to the underlying CRM contact record using the following syntax:

=IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!CRM_URL.Value),Nothing,Parameters!CRM_URL.Value & "?ID={"&Fields!contactid.Value.ToString()&"}&LogicalName=contact")

However if you want to create a link to a CRM record without an underlying reference ID to pass then things can become a little more tricky. This is because while you require the server reference provided by the CRM_URL variable (shown in green below), you need to get rid of the "CRMReports/viewer/drillopen.aspx" section as that throws it off (shown in yellow).

This can be achieved by using the following function in the URL action:
=Mid(Parameters!CRM_URL.Value, 1, InStr(Parameters!CRM_URL.Value, "/CRMReports"))

Now you can rebuild the URL anyway you want. For example, you can construct a URL as follows:

And this will open up a new CRM record (with passed defaults etc.).

Monday, November 17, 2014

Convert Org Owned Entity to User Owned

A while back I discussed the pros and cons of user vs. organization owned entities. I concluded as follows:

The theory might all be well and good, but let's say you're presently in the predicament described above i.e. you're in production and have come across a requirement that means that you'll need to convert an entity from organization-owned to user-owned - what are the steps to achieve this? In the next post I'll attempt to address this with a step by step walk through.
Well it's about time I made good on that promise... So here goes -

Caution: This is not for the fainthearted. Especially in CRM Online installations where you can't really make a backup (as concluded in the above referenced post - when in doubt go with user-owned entities...).

Step 1 - Export all the data

You need to save all your data linked to the entity you wish to update. Assuming this is a CRM Online instance you can use the export to Excel option (in on-premise there are of course other options). This includes (but not necessarily limited to) the following:

  • Export Main  Entity

  • Export Notes - All columns
  • Export Activities - All columns
  • Export data from other 1:N relationships that you wish to recreate/relate

You need to resign your self to the fact that you will lose information stored in system attributes such as created/modified by/on.

Generally speaking, restoring N:1 relationships is not a problem because they'll be recreated with the re-import.

However with the 1:N relationship as in the case of notes and activities there is a level of effort involved so you'll need to make a judgment call of whether it is worth it. Same applies for N:N relationships (perhaps even more so since there is no way to re-import using native tools. Bottom line if there is a lot of dependent data this exercise is likely going to be too painful and you'll need to consider other options such as duplicating the entity and migrating the data over with all the relationships (tools such as Scribe can help here).

Step 2 - Create and Export Solution

Retains all customizations - views, forms etc.

  • Export a solution containing the entity you wish to modify and workflows on that entity 
  • Export a solution with everything but entity (including workflows, security roles)....
  • Make a copy of the exported zip
  • Unzip the solution, and open customizations.xml in a text editor
  • Replace the following section... 
<attribute PhysicalName="OrganizationId">
              <LookupTypes />
                <displayname description="Organization Id" languagecode="1033" />
                <Description description="Unique identifier for the organization" languagecode="1033" />
  • With:
<attribute PhysicalName="OwnerId">
                <LookupType id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">8</LookupType>
                <LookupType id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">9</LookupType>
                <displayname description="Owner" languagecode="1033" />
                <Description description="Owner Id" languagecode="1033" />
            <attribute PhysicalName="OwnerIdName">
                <Description description="Name of the owner" languagecode="1033" />
            <attribute PhysicalName="OwnerIdType">
                <Description description="Owner Id Type" languagecode="1033" />
            <attribute PhysicalName="OwnerIdYomiName">
                <Description description="Yomi name of the owner" languagecode="1033" />
            <attribute PhysicalName="OwningBusinessUnit">
              <LookupTypes />
                <displayname description="Owning Business Unit" languagecode="1033" />
                <Description description="Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record" languagecode="1033" />

  • Replace the following...
  • With:

  • Replace the following section (be sure to update "your_entity" with the name of your entity)...
<EntityRelationship Name="organization_your_entity">
          <Description description="Unique identifier for the organization" languagecode="1033" />
      <field name="organizationid" requiredlevel="none" imemode="auto">
          <displayname description="Organization Id" languagecode="1033" />

  • With:
    <EntityRelationship Name="owner_your_entity">
          <Description description="Owner Id" languagecode="1033" />
      <field name="ownerid" requiredlevel="systemrequired" imemode="auto" lookupstyle="single" lookupbrowse="0" lookuptypes="8, 9">
          <displayname description="Owner" languagecode="1033" />
    <EntityRelationship Name="team_your_entity">
          <Description description="Unique identifier for the team that owns the record." languagecode="1033" />
      <field name="owningteam" requiredlevel="none" imemode="auto" lookupstyle="single" lookupbrowse="0">
          <displayname description="Owning Team" languagecode="1033" />
    <EntityRelationship Name="user_your_entity">
          <Description description="Unique identifier for the user that owns the record." languagecode="1033" />
      <field name="owninguser" requiredlevel="none" imemode="auto" lookupstyle="single" lookupbrowse="0">
          <displayname description="Owning User" languagecode="1033" />
  • Finally, update your entity name so it can exist side by side (temporarily) with the entity you will be replace. For example, find and replace all your_entity with your_entity2.
  • Similarly, replace the entity description with a replacement value so you'll be able to distinguish from the front end.
      <Name LocalizedName="Your Entity2" OriginalName="Your Entity2">snt_Your Entity2</Name>
        <entity Name="your_entity2">
            <LocalizedName description="Your Entity2" languagecode="1033" />
            <LocalizedCollectionName description="Your Entity 2" languagecode="1033" />

  • Save Customization.xml and copy back into exported zip

Step 3 - Import Customization

  • Import modified zip file to recreate entity
  • Import other solution file created
  • Verify forms, views etc.
  • Verify entity is user-owne
Note: If you get an invalid reference error when importing you'll need to remove the reference (could be a sub-grid or jscript web resource reference) and you'll need to manually add back after the import.

Step 4 - Import Data

Use the data import wizard to re-import the data to your new duplicated entity.

Step 5 - Post Steps

Once you're satisfied with the state of affairs of your new entity you can apply the post steps which includes:

  • Delete old entity - This can get quite hairy. Deleting an entity requires removing all kinds of dependencies. Make sure you export entities, workflows, security roles etc. and keep careful manual track of any thing that needs to be manually reset

  • Update forms - you may need to update the forms with removed references that caused import customization errors. 
  • Update security roles
  • Update workflow

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Import Organization Failed: Subquery returned more than 1 value

While trying to import a CRM 2011 organization to CRM 2013 I encountered the following error:

Viewing the log detail unfortunately file did not shed much more light on this.

The only thing I had to go on was the SQL error itself. This indicated that somewhere the system was trying to execute a nested SQL statement that looked something like the following:

select field1 from table1 where field2 = (select field3 from table2)

And that the results from table2 returned more than a single row which is not allowed as the nested relationship is using the "=" rather than "in" operator.

Armed with this information, I decided to run a SQL trace while recreating the import error. And then performed a bit of a needle-in-haystack search for something that might fit the above - using correlating times from the SQL Trace and CRM trace file (although in retrospect I think I could have searched the SQL trace for a statement like 'update organization set set state=...' as this is what happens directly after the failed error).

Lo and behold, I came across the query below which matched the kind of query pattern I was looking for. The suspect had been identified...

Running the essence of the above query in SQL it came back with the following - looks like a smoking gun to me!

In the interest of moving forward as quickly as possible, I decided to run a query that eliminate this particular error by ensuring a singleton output.

update Role set RoleTemplateId = null
where RoleId != 'BDD45E0B-7482-DC11-AB36-005056BC02DA'
and RoleTemplateId='A4BE89FF-7C35-4D69-9900-999C3F603E6F'

Re-running the import again subsequently succeeded... and yet another successful CRM 2013 upgrade under the belt.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

User-Owned or Organization-Owned Entities?

When creating new entities you have to choose whether you want the entity to be user-owned or organization-owned. This setting cannot be changed after the entity is created. So it is important to get this right from the outset or otherwise this will come back to bite you at some later point in time. Especially if the entity you create has a lot of dependencies (i.e. relationships) set up. And this will be compounded a hundred-fold if a requirement surfaces post go-live that requires such a setting change...

The primary impact of entity ownership is related to the security model. With organization-ownership, access is binary - either the user can view (or edit, create etc.) ALL or NONE. With user-ownership, access is much more nuanced allowing for much finer control over the SCOPE of which records can be viewed (or edited etc.).

The issue is that it can be difficult to anticipate what to expect in the distant future. Meaning that all good analysis and critical thinking aside, a requirement might surface in phase 6 of the project that was heretofore unforeseen. And suddenly we're left ruing a decision made some years back - a decision which made perfect sense at the time it was being made.

When we think of user vs. organization ownership, we tend to think of it in terms of whether anyone "cares" if a record could be or should be owned by a particular individual in the organization. If the answer is negative then we tend to think of it as organization-owned. And not only do I think there's nothing wrong with that thinking, I think that if the designer of the system takes a moment to ponder this then that is in fact highly commendable.

However, as I've discovered over the course of many projects, the issue with record ownership is that the business logic of the concept may not always mirror the technical requirement. It may well be the case that no-one "cares" who owns a record. It might even be the case that seeing an "owner" on the record might be unnecessary or even confusing (i.e. the owner field can or should be hidden on the form). However there could still be a requirement to limit access to the record that still needs to leverage the user-ownership security model.

The "sharing" feature is a classic example of this scenario. For example:

  • There might be a user or team ("team A") that you only want to grant access to a limited subset of records ("entity B"). 
  • That subset might have nothing to do with ownership e.g. we want to grant "team A" access to "entity B" records which have been flagged as "Vendor" 
  • The above effectively means that we wish to grant "team A" access to a subset of "entity B" records based on a non-ownership type attribute
  • If "entity B" is organization-owned, there is no way to configure the above security restriction. Organization-owned entities are binary - either you can see all "entity B" or you cannot see "entity B" at all.
  • In order to accomplish this requirement, "entity B" will need to be recreated as a user-owned entity.

Hopefully the above scenario illustrates how it's possible - best practice design considerations aside - to land up in situation where an entity needs to be converted to user-owned. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who has come up against this issue.

Based on this, we can come up with a rule of thumb for record ownership. And that is - if there is not a clear requirement for a record to be user-owned or organization-owned at design time, and even if it might seem to make sense from a logical business perspective that the entity should be organization-owned (using the "no-one cares" formula mentioned above), it probably still make sense to create the record as user-owned. After all, it's very easy to hide ownership fields on the form and one can still set up security so it behaves in a binary fashion as organization-owned entities. 

In short, if you got it wrong and set up an entity as user-owned, the price to pay is relatively small. On the other hand, if you got it wrong and set up an entity as organization-owned, you could be looking at open heart surgery.

The theory might all be well and good, but let's say you're presently in the predicament described above i.e. you're in production and have come across a requirement that means that you'll need to convert an entity from organization-owned to user-owned - what are the steps to achieve this? In the next post I'll attempt to address this with a step by step walk through.